Experiments with WordPress 5.x and Gutenberg

This is a Heading

9.00000144 Terabytes
9.00000144 Terabytes.

This is a paragraph block. It contains a paragraph. The paragraph is contained in a block. The paragraph has text settings. I will be interested to see how blocks and settings are translated to semantic elements and styles and HTML and CSS. 

This is a second paragraph block. Note that the image to the right (in an image block, of course) stays aligned to the right of both paragraph blocks and has its own property sheet of values like Alt text, description and caption to be displayed below the image. The image shows 9 terabytes of data: two 4Tb external drives — bus-powered USB3, no less —  and a Samsung 850 EVO 1 Tb solid state drive and a 1.44 megabyte floppy drive for scale and contrast. 

I also note that, in the editor, the paragraph does not wrap under the image until I hit Shift-Enter twice to start a new paragraph. However, on the published website, the paragraph wraps quite nicely, so this is an artifact of the editor.