GW1100 Antenna Placement

I’ve been doing some experiments in finding the optimal placment of the GW1100 gateway. The gateway receives radio signals from Ecowitt weather instruments in the field: anemometer, UV, light, air & soil temperature, humidity, rain as well as in-house temperatures, barometric pressure and indoor pm2.5, does a few local calculations, hosts a small set of web pages, and makes the data available over the in-house intranet. If the signals from the instruments are too weak or attenuated (by distance, metal screens, water walls or dense construction). that data is lost.

I noticed when I added the meadow soil temperature instrument (an Ecowitt WN34S) last week, that the readings were erratic, so I checked on the strength of the signal, and eventually graphed all of the signals on our in-house WeeWx web page. I first moved the GW1100 to an upstairs rear window. Anemometer signals were better, but rain and T&H outside worse. I tried a back room on the lower floor and that may turn out to be optimal. I’ll continue to test.

Overnight signal results from moving the GW1100 to different windows

Signal strength is reported by the GW1100 in a scale of zero to four. and the WeeWX software graphs an average value The nearby in-house “Upstairs” and “Basement” temperature/humidity sensors (two Ecowitt WH32) always have a strong signal. The outdoor T&HP sensor (Ecowitt WH31_EP) was good when the GW1100 was in north-facing windows at the front or back of the house, but signals were poor around 1600 when I tried the upstairs placement. The anemometer (an Ecowitt WH68) has never been very strong, as it is the furthest away, and behind a metal-roofed garage. When the GW1100 was upstairs the signal appeared the strongest, but the rain gauge and outdoor T&H were notably weaker.

GW1100 web page showing devices, IDs and signal strength
Sensors showing IDs and signal strength for anemometer, rain gauge and outside temperature and humidity
GW1100 web page showing devices, IDs and signal strength
GW1100 web page showing devices, IDs and signal strength for “Upstairs” and “Basement” T&H
GW1100 web page showing devices, IDs and signal strength
GW1100 web page showing devices, IDs and signal strength for meadow soil temperature

Alert readers (I see you out there!) will wonder why I didn’t just use the internal web pages of the GW1100 that display a “signal” column, shown above. The problem with those is that the signal strength appears to be averaged over time, and not as immediately responsive as the graphs I generated with WeeWX. Overnight, all of the signal scores caught up, and all are displaying four bars in the morning.

Cleaned WH41 PM 2.5 sensor

Ecowitt WH41 PM 2.5 detector dropped out in August

When reviewing my annual logs, I noticed the PM 2.5 detector, an Ecowitt WH41 model, dropped off in readings in August, and was pretty consistently low for the rest of the year. I visited the WxForum and found an article suggesting that the air chamber could be clogged and needed regular clearing. Sure enough, I took the device apart and found debris in side, and what might have been a thin leaf stem stuck in the fan. Cleaned and blown out, the device returned to service, readings immediately started to show more interesting behavior. Hope that fixes it!

Post-repair. NOTE: Not to the same scale as the graph above!